Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hot Yoga

I've been attending/ practicing yoga for a couple of months at the Foglia YMCA. Our teacher is fantastic and the regulars in the class are all great people. I noticed a deal on Living Social yesterday for 10 classes for $35 at a studio called Yogawerks in Barrington. They had Hot Yoga classes on the schedule a couple of times a week, so I decided to give last night's class a try.
The class started with some chanting and some om's, but we were quickly moving into various asanas (poses), some well beyond my reach. I could not believe how much I was sweating. I don't mean wipe-your-brow sweaty, I mean wipe-the-puddles-off-the-floor sweaty!
When the class ended and the savasana started, I had such a clear feeling of the muscle of my heart beating and the blood flowing through my body. Not in a deep, yogic way, but in a kind of nervous way, having never felt that sensation before.
I left feeling a little out of it, almost drunk, just a very strange feeling, conflicted as to whether I want to experience that again. Stay tuned to see if I get brave enough to do this again.

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